A perfect summer Solstice at the Oregon Coast

Much like our wedding day when we expected rain and got bright sunny skies, the coast was perfectly lovely on Solstice, June 21. Friends from Eastrose, Pagan friends, dear friends, and daughter Amelia joined for kites, food, stories, and a fabulous beach day. Edith gets a pass since she just started a new day job this week. The wind was sporadic on the ground but if you could get a kite well into the air it would fly!

Frosty was so well behaved! Most of the time he was given a long tie-out. He got in a few walks and certainly got wet and sandy!

Good food, beautiful kites, lovely warm sun, and cool breezes.

A few of us stayed until Sunset, being Solstice and all. I felt surrounded by love and comfort and grace.




Will would have loved the day. Such a wonderful way to celebrate his life and our life together.

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