Saturday night in Rockwood

Uploaded a bunch of photos, some from 2012 and some from 2004 — I’ve got this odd archival collection happening on a portable flash drive. Hard to tell if it will ever be fully IMG_3760organized. This is a locomotive in Skagway — seen through the windows of the excursion train. Interesting how the “red” building turned pink, partly because the photo was shot through the glass of a moving train, and partly because Skagway has a rustic, northern quality.

Third Nite of Word Press

It’s too much fun to play and try things out instead of paying attention to Google Search Optimization. I get the competitive streak that gaming Google can bring out in even the kindest people. We’ve explored Facebook badges, and now we’re working to backups. This keeps getting more and more interesting. It doesn’t help to be “distracted by shiny things,” though. Categorize, Categorize, Categorize.